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Viewing Posts Categorized "Child Support"

What documents do I need to provide my spouse after separation?

The exchange of information is critical in any family law case. Without the exchange of relevant information neither side in a legal action may know what their claim is, what their chance of success may be, or even if they have a case at all.

How to Get a Divorce: Six Things You Will Need to Do

Once the decision has been made to end a marriage many people want to know how quickly they can get divorced. A divorce is a court order that legally ends a marriage. Unmarried spouses do not need to get divorced. In Canada, the Divorce Act governs the requirements for all divorces.

Beyond monthly child support: who pays for the dentist and soccer?

When parents separate they learn fairly quickly that there are two types of child support in Canada. These types of support are called section 3 and section 7 child support. These sections refer to different sections of the Child Support Guidelines.

You are not the Father: In Loco Parentis

Step-parents can be held responsible for paying child support. The term “in loco parentis” is Latin for “in place of a parent” and this is the term used by the courts for step-parent. This term is used in situations involving a person who is not a biological parent, but has taken on responsibilities for the child, like a parent would.

Not So Far From The Nest: Children in University and Child Support

Many people assume that child support ends when a child reaches the age of majority. This is not always the case.  The lawyers at Crossroads Law regularly work on child support cases in both British Columbia and Alberta involving children both under and over the age of majority. The age of majority in BC is 19 and in Alberta it is 18.