Navigating Family Law
Viewing Posts Categorized "Legal Coaching / Unbundled Legal Services"
How Legal Coaching Works in British Columbia
Legal coaching in family law offers a different way to work with a lawyer.
Unbundled Legal Services an Underused Access-to-Justice Solution
Unbundled legal services can fill the access-to-justice gap left by spiralling legal fees and dwindling legal aid funding.
Don’t have a lawyer and facing an examination for discovery?
Examination for discovery in a family law case can be intimidating, especially if you don’t qualify for Legal Aid and have to represent yourself. However, with the right preparation
Pay-as-you-go legal coaching
A disproportionate percentage of people appearing before a family court judge do so without legal representation, and legal coaching can help fill the void, Calgary and Vancouver family lawyer Marcus Sixta tells
Don’t Have a Lawyer and Facing an Examination for Discovery: Here is What You Need to Know
Facing an examination for discovery or deposition in a family law case can be intimidating. The thought of sitting in a board room while an over zealous lawyer peppers you with questions and a stenographer looks on with cruel indifference can be the cause of many sleepless nights.
Represent Yourself Better in Family Law with Legal Coaching
The cost of legal services has been driving many people to represent themselves in family court in increasing numbers. Legal coaching can provide a more affordable alternative for those who wish to represent themselves in court or fail to qualify for Legal Aid.