Marcus Sixta discusses Divorce and Money – The Unplanned Journey

Money Matters with Jim Doyle
Episode 7: Divorce & Money – The Unplanned Journey
Jim Doyle of Doyle & Associates Private Wealth Management and his guests, Marcus Sixta of Crossroads Law, Yuval Berger of Hindsight Counselling, and Rahul Aggarwal of CleanDivorce, explore how separating or divorcing couples find themselves on an unplanned journey. Two choices are paramount – one is choosing your divorce style – litigation, mediation, or collaborative divorce – highlighting the importance of choosing appropriate legal counsel; the other is adjusting to your new financial realities which will require some planning. This show examines different models of separation and divorce, ways to make the process move forward – and a troubling new trend – Grey Divorce….
Watch the full episode below.
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