Navigating Family Law
Pathways to Parenthood: Understanding Adoption in BC
Choosing to adopt a child is a huge decision for families looking to expand their hearts and homes. Whether individuals are unable to conceive, desire to grow their family, or have a heartfelt commitment to providing a safe and supportive environment for a child in need, adoption offers a path to building a lifelong connection.
A Look at Surrogacy Laws Around the World PART 3 – CALIFORNIA
Our series about the intricate world of surrogacy began with an exploration of how these laws significantly vary across different jurisdictions.
The Tort of Family Violence Overturned
In Ahluwalia v Ahluwalia, 2022 ONSC 1303, the Ontario superior court recognized a new tort of family violence and awarded the respondent mother $150,000 in compensatory, aggregated, and punitive damages.
Holiday Parenting Made Simple: Expedited Mediations and Arbitrations with Crossroads Law
The holiday season is often marked by joy, celebrations, and time spent with loved ones. But for families navigating the complexities of separation or divorce, this time can be fraught with tension and uncertainty.
The Essential Guide to Grandparents' Rights in Alberta
A grandparent’s love is like no other, a unique and irreplaceable bond in a child's life. But what happens when circumstances change, and grandparents find themselves questioning their legal standing in their grandchildren's lives?
Understanding the Hague Convention & Child Abduction
The abduction of a child is a nightmare for any parent. When such a tragedy occurs across international borders, the complexities of legal jurisdiction and cultural differences can further exacerbate the anguish.
When Child Support Feels Overwhelming: Understanding Undue Hardship in Canada
In Canada, parents have a legal obligation to financially support their children, even after a divorce or separation.
What Should I be Thinking About When I Make a Will?
A Last Will and Testament is a legal document that outlines your intentions in the event of your death, setting out what happens to your assets and how they will be allocated to your chosen beneficiaries.
What Happens When Someone Dies Without a Will?
The passing of a loved one is always a difficult and emotional time. If a loved one passes without a valid will in place, the difficulty experienced by the family is often increased.
Crossroads Law Continues Ranked as One of The Top 100 Fastest Growing Companies in BC
Crossroads Law is proud to announce that we have again been recognized as one of the Top 100 Fastest Growing Companies in British Columbia by Business in Vancouver for 2023.